
Hot recipes

Marshmallow and Jelly pinwheels.

  M arshmallows has been our favorite confectionery since ever.... I mixed jelly mixture into molten marshmallows.The results were amazing!!! This by the  a 3 ingrideint recipie.... Ingridents 1 packet of any flavored jelly. Half of hot water as directed by the jelly packet.(eg-if the packet says to add 1 cup of water then you add half a cup) 1 packet of marshmallows which will match the flavor of the jelly (10-15 marshmallows) Dry Fruit piecies. How to make? first you will have to start to double boil ( In a double boiler, water is placed in a pot that sits on the burner. On top of the pot, a glass or metal bowl holds the ingredients you're cooking. The steam from the simmering water warms the contents of the bowl every so gently with indirect heat.)  the marshmallows till it turns into a fluffy paste. In another bowl mix the jelly packet with the hot water as half of the quantity given by the packet.After the mixture melts then add the jelly mixture to the moltern marshmallows an

Milk Toffee


Senni Sambola.
